Atta Ul Mustafa
4 min readDec 12, 2020

Five acts of kindness

Starting with the one who displayed kindness thtoughout his life, the one who was the real ambassador of compassion and empathy, his name is Abdul Sattar Edhi and he was one of the greatest servants of humanity the world has ever witnessed.

Kindness is the gift which everyone can afford to give. Being kind to everyone all the time is definitely one of the hardest things to do in this world especially when you are not in the pleasant mood.
Kindness basically improves your well being, the self satisfaction achived my just being kind to others has no match and you tend to repeat it once you start doing it.

The five acts of kindness which I did to have that feel good factor are defined below:

1- Paid extra money to Auto driver
I was coming back from Islamabad to lahore. As soon as I reached the railway station, I started finding an Auto rickshaw. I went to about 4 drivers, told my destination to them and asked for a fare, they all demanded more than what I expected. Finally I went to another one and asked for a fare, he said 300 and this was the lowest which I got from last four that I visited. I did not try to argue with him and straight away got inside. It was around 11 PM and the rain was pouring heavily. As I reached my place, he asked me about the place where he had to go next, I explained him the address and realized that he had to cover few more kilometers as well so I gave him more than what he demanded, upon which he said "May Allah give you more" and this pleased me internally.

2-Served food to the security guard
As soon as we did the dinner, I asked my mother to give me a small box. I got the box and filled it with whatever we had in the dinner. I picked that box, went outside and gave it to the security guard who was freezing in the cold.

3-Bought brownies for my family
I was in Islambad for the last four days and just came back last night. I thought about sharing a happy moment with my family. I went outside, bought some brownies along with the ice cream, returned to home and served to my family members by myself.

4-Collected degrees of my friends.
Since we had an online convocation so the only possible way of getting the degree was to go there and collect it physically. I needed degree on an urgent basis and my friends were not ready to accompany me due to their jobs. Since I am working from home nowadays so I decided to cover the extra mile. I was on my way to swabi when I informed them that I am going to campus to get my certificate and asked them if you guys want yours then share the authority letter so that I can collect it on your behalf, they send the required documents and I did the rest.

5-Bought peanuts for my sister
When I was returning back from the university I at once recognized that my sister really likes peanuts and this is the place which is famous for its dry fruits. Hence I bought some peanuts and presented to her later which she accepted gracefully.